Sunday, October 4, 2009

A few random thoughts

In conversations with people, it occurs to me that the concept of Functional Programming really scares some folks off. I feel this is the effect of the object oriented paradigm having been shown to be the almighty hammer and the whole world to be a nail. Shame on us.

It's interesting to note that people often know more functional programming than they may even know. Take the C++ STL for example. It's all in generic algorithms that apply an outer-most layer of an algorithm, requiring the coder to specify the smaller steps that make the outer-most algorithm mean anything useful at all. In C even, we have qsort and mergesort as standard calls. These are a great start to addressing the "who needs Functional Programming?" question.

The Standard C Library's qsort is a well documented and useful sort function with some very interesting properties, or no one would even care about putting it into a library. Implementing it correctly the first time, from memory is not likely to happen, so to save us time the library has implemented all of the tricky outer-logic for us, requiring us only to provide a pointer to a function that implements the comparison function that will be used to determine if one item in the collection being sorted is less than, greater than, or equal to another item.

I do not think anyone can argue that this is not a very powerful concept. With this, one can create an arbitrarily complex data type, and as long as one can specify the comparison criteria, one can "implement" qsort, without doing the heavy lifting. Isn't that what OOP was supposed to provide? Is this not the same re-use goal we all want in libraries to begin with?

Note that this means one can also "lie" to qsort about what value should come before the next, and by simply making the compare function return the swapped values for a less than comparison for the value returned for greater than, one can reverse sort a collection (descending order vs ascending order), again without writing all the outer-most, and more complex qsort code.

How great is that?

STL and C++ standard libraries let one define the "allocation" step for geting more memory as a separate "policy" from the rest of the code. I've written my own C++ compliant allocators that allow for getting memory from "mmap" instead of malloc, and then run benchmark tests against each just for fun. The algorithms for the collections are the same code, and the only difference is dropping in a template parameter for the allocation class. This, even though it's C++, is not solely the domain of OOP languages. In fact, Functional Programming is meant for this kind of flexibility.

Is there any wonder now why people claim that Functional Programming is about managing complexity by thinking about operations rather than the data?

I've written a good bit of Erlang code over the last 2 years, and there's no mutable variables (sort of) in that language, so in order to do a replace of a value in a list, I have to basically emit an entirely new list with the value in question updated. Well I could have written all the code to do that myself using primitive recursion, and subtraction until a value for an index reaches 0 or 1 and then changing the value in question, and appending the rest of the list to it, but with functions like "foldl" and "foldr" that's not necessary. I can just write the "guts" of the algorithm, and let the collection traversal of the list be handled by a well-defined, and reusable function. Sure for lists this may seem a trivial operation, but consider that one could use a fold function over a tree in a few different traversal orders, and I think one can begin to see the power of this approach.

If all of that evidence doesn't turn one on to at least appreciating Functional Programming, perhaps just looking at the sheer growth in popularity of well respected software institutions, and the application of Functional Programming to mission critical software could convince one to give it a second look.

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