Thursday, October 22, 2009

OOP maybe should have been called Oops

"Designing object-oriented software is hard—designing reusable object-oriented software is even harder. Experienced object-oriented designers will tell you that a reusable and flexible design is difficult, if not impossible, to get "right" the first time, and that multiple attempts at reuse with subsequent redesigns are normal."

Now there's a statement about Object Oriented Design I can agree with :-)

Yes I realize that Design Patterns tried to give a set of reusable designs to certain problem cases or environments, and that's all great and what not, but I think software design has to perhaps abstract these ideas even further into "modules of services".

It won't matter so much if you used a methodology like OOP or Functional Programming, or any old imperative approach, as long as the pieces are small and purposeful, and the code is written in a clear enough way, it should be fairly straightforward to adapt it to new situations.

That said...

I've been successful in having written a service in haskell that doesn't really use much in the way of any object oriented design. in fact, it's mainly done with monads, and an EDSL that looks a lot like "Expect". I've been able to tweak this EDSL to write the solution to the problem I'm solving in the language *I* want.

Due to the way the program is designed to work with an external program for getting communication done, it's isolated from the mechanisms of communication, and only implements the logic around parsing data and issuing commands.

This has proven to be very powerful in testing systems via various interconnects. I've used a bizarre combination of socat, hooked up to serial ports, that are looped back through to another program that uses a proprietary embedded serial streaming protocol back up into the Haskell code with exactly the same ease as launching an ssh client session or using socat straight across a serial line.

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